Schwarzmond (2017)

moonbooter - Schwarzmond

moonbooter - Schwarzmond



in one

moonbooter - Schwarzmond

1/2017 | 71:55 minutes  | cd-mb1701

Audio-CD Audio-CD FLAC please order at: MellowJet-Records Webshop


01 Praeludium 01:15
02 Daft Moon 06:17
03 Deep Breath 08:06
04 LuLeLa 02:22
05 Epiphany 07:01
06 Nachtvogel (the birth) 03:14
07 Satellite 06:19
08 Theia 06:49
09 The Raven´s Light 07:26
10 Apollo 13 05:12
11 Nachtvogel (the awakening) 02:43
12 238.900 miles 08:33
13 Daft Moon (Reprise) 06:37

prelisten: Schwarzmond


DE: Mit Schwarzmond zeigt moonbooter zum ersten Mal seine dunkle Seite. Wie bereits auf „The Wave“ vereint das neue Album klassische elektronische Klänge mit der Neuzeit. Bewusst gibt Bernd seine Vorbilder im Booklet des Albums preis: J-M Jarre, VNV Nation, Daft Punk, Michael Cretu und Klaus Schulze.
Und tatsächlich fallen beim Hören geschmeichelte (?) Gemeinsamkeiten auf. Trotzdem trägt jeder Song die eindeutige Handschrift moonbooters. Und das ist auch gut so. Mächtige analoge Klanggebilde bauen sich stetig auf um dann plötzlich in sich zusammen zu fallen oder in einem weiteren Höhepunkt aufzugehen. Dominante Beats untermalt mit seidenweichen Flächen glänzen in den Ohren. Harte E-Gitarre neben sanften Beats mit vielen unterschiedlichen Melodien kann eben so nur moonbooter. Es scheint so, als hätte Bernd alle synthetischen Sounds der vergangenen 40 Jahre auf diesem Album vereint. Kleinste Details, hohe Dynamik und das Gefühl, selbst Teil der Musik zu sein, machen Schwarzmond zu einem besonderen Hörerlebnis. Ja, Schwarzmond ist ein „darkes“ Album. Aber richtig finster und eiskalt wird es nie. Wenn man die Nacht liebt, so muss dies auch nicht sein.


EN: With “Schwarzmond” moonbooter shows us his dark side for the first time. As on "The Wave", the new album combines classical electronic sounds with modern times. Bernd consciously named his idols in the booklet of the album: J-M Jarre, VNV Nation, Daft Punk, Michael Cretu and Klaus Schulze. And in fact there are several similarities. Nevertheless, each song carries the clear handwriting of moonbooter. And that’s how it should be. Powerful analogue sound configure constantly, then suddenly drop down into pieces or rise up to an other climax. Dominating beats accompanied by silky soft pads are shining in the ears. Hard electric guitar in addition to gentle beats with many different melodies is only moonbooters style. It seems as if Bernd had unified all the synthetic sounds of the past 40 years on this album. Many details, high dynamic sound and the feeling of being a part of the music make Schwarzmond a special listening experience. Yes, Schwarzmond is a "dark" album. But it never gets too dark and cold. If you love the night, this does not have to be.



Please read the full PDF-documentation: ENGLISH    DEUTSCH


SCHWARZMOND produced by Bernd „moonbooter“ Scholl at Skyflight Studio 2, Olef, Germany
between April 2016 and January 2017 

Recorded at 48kHz and 24 Bit on a RME-raydat system for maximal dynamic and transparency in sound.
Audiomastering by moonbooter      Artwork by     Fotos by Robert Kaiser

Track 12 „238.900 miles“ guitars by Mr. Harald Nies himself... Thanks a lot!

The music on this album is essentially inspired by the moon himself and the endless possibilities of
electronic instruments and effects. But also by J-M Jarre, VNV Nation, Daft Punk, Michael Cretu,
Klaus Schulze and finally by my life and musical background.

The most important thing I had in mind while composing and producing this album was:
No pressure, no rules, no boundaries. I have all the time of my life. I am, what I am.

This are the synthesizers You hear on SCHWARZMOND: Dave Smith Instruments Pro 2, Roland V-Synth,
Moog Sub 37, Arturia Minibrute + Drumbrute, Kurzweil K2000, Korg Radias, Nord Lead 4, access Virus TI,
Kawai K5000W, Korg Wavestation, ModeMachines x0xbo0x, Waldorf Blofeld, NI Maschine MK2 & Jam,
Strymon Big Sky, Reveal Sound Spire, Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2, UHE Diva and NI Rounds.

Many thanks to all of my friends and my beloved Michaela and Bennett.


watch Trailer:

my albums >>> overview


Syncope 2 (2024)

Syncope 1 (2023)

Reminiscence (2022)

Beyond the Neon Lights (2020)

Both Sides of the Moon (2019/2020)

Groundcontrol and the victory of mankind (2018/2019)

Cosmosonic (2018)

Schwarzmond (2017)

Cosmoharmonics (2016)

The Wave (2015)

Cosmoromantics (2014)

Still Alive (2014)

Zeitenwende (2013)

Cosmophonica (2012)

World of Apes 2 (2011)

Cosmologica (2011)

World of Apes 1 (2010)
Cosmoclimax (2009) Lunatic Voyage (2008) Under Control (2007) Orbit Number 2 (2006) Devided (2005) Teralogica (2004)


moonbooter - EVIL 18-2DE (2019)

moonbooter - EVIL 18DE (2018)

moonbooter vs Battery Dead - Live Muenster (2017)

moonbooter - EVIL 17NL (2017)

moonbooter vs Otarion - Live Münster 2016

moonbooter vs Wellenfeld - Live Münster 2015

moonbooter - 5x LIVE CD-Box LIVE vier LIVE drei LIVE zwei LIVE eins  


Fast Reflections (2009) Faster (2008) Elected Pieces 2012-2020 (2020) Elected Pieces (2012)


Yaary & Scholl - Delta Evolution (2020)


to the MellowJet-Records-Webshop

moonbooter compilations

moonbooter on bandcampmoonbooter on youtubemoonbooter on facebookmoonbooter on twittermoonbooter on soundcloud


Teralogica (2004)Teralogica (2004)Teralogica (2004)Teralogica (2004)Teralogica (2004)Teralogica (2004)Teralogica (2004)Teralogica (2004)Teralogica (2004)

Groundcontrol and the victory of mankind (2018/2019)

Cosmosonic (2018)

Schwarzmond (2017)

Cosmoharmonics (2016)


The Wave (2015)

Cosmoromantics (2014)

Still Alive (2014)

Zeitenwende (2013)


Cosmophonica (2012)


World of Apes 2 (2011)


Cosmologica (2011)

World of Apes 1 (2010)


Cosmoclimax (2009)


Lunatic Voyage (2008)


Under Control (2007)

Orbit Number 2 (2006)


Teralogica (2004)



moonbooter - EVIL 18DE (2018)


moonbooter vs Battery Dead - Live Muenster (2017)


moonbooter - 5x LIVE CD-Box


moonbooter - EVIL 17NL (2017)



moonbooter vs Otarion - Live Münster 2016


moonbooter vs Wellenfeld - Live Münster 2015


LIVE eins


LIVE zwei



LIVE drei

LIVE vier


Fast Reflections (2009)

Faster (2008)


Elected Pieces (2012)

Please buy CD or download at to the MellowJet-Records-Webshop also available on files/simpag/images/itunes.jpg  
watch the list of compilations with moonbooter-songs 

moonbooter on youtubemoonbooter on facebookmoonbooter on twittermoonbooter on soundcloud